Behind the Curtain (again) Day 14
It is going home time. This trip has been in the planning stage for over the year. Now, all that is left to do is board our plane in Frankfurt and head for Atlanta. We left Riquewihr, France and headed for Frankfurt, Germany. Our plans are to stay overnight and catch an early flight home on Monday. While the Christmas market was behind us, we had one more stop to make. We made a visit to one of the forts that make up the Maginot Line. The Germans treated the French badly during WWI and after the war, the French decided to build a series of forts, obstacles, and weapons installations along the border between these respective countries. This work was done in the 1930's, and it was thought it would deter German aggression. The French military extolled the Line as a work of genius. They felt it would slow any invasion force of the Germans long enough for the French to mobilize its army and send the Germans back across the Rhine. ...